Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Word of the Week
Distrain- To seize the property of (a person) in order to compel payments of debts.
Quote of the Week
Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy. –Anne Frank
*Thought on the quote: Really guys, we complain about having to do a few extra chores in the morning. We don’t like getting out of bed. We don’t want to work over today. We wish we had more money. Blah…blah…blah… It goes on and on. But there aren’t many of us who can say that we wish we had something to fill our empty stomachs, that we wished we had a place to lay our head at night, that we wished our government would let us decide what to believe in. Please start putting things into perspective, count your blessings before they flee.
Today’s fashion tip:
It’s hot. We all know it. Today’s topic? Shorts.
Guys: We have to be especially careful with our short choices; we can’t just throw on a pair of daisy duke’s and head out the door. A few tips:
• Don’t wear cut-offs. They’re tacky, even store bought. If homemade, it’s nearly impossible to get the two legs to cut evenly, and that can be quite embarrassing.
• Don’t wear short shorts. A few sleazy girls and guys may want to see your upper thigh, but most of us do not.
• Don’t wear stripes. Weather vertical or horizontal, stripes are a big no-no when it comes to shorts.
• Do wear cargo shorts. Shorts with lots of pockets not only look awesome, but also gives you plenty of room to put things. Maybe a cute guy’s number ;D
• Do wear plaid, or checked shorts. They’re cute and can really take those eyes away from those love handles and focus them on your awesome legs.
• Sagging is not attractive. In any way. I’m not saying you need to constantly wear a belt (though belts can be attractive!) but no one wants to see your full moon.
• Color is very important. Guys, solid pastels and bright colors aren’t your friend. Seafoam green looks good on a bathroom wall, not on your bottom.

Ladies: Thought I was gonna forget about you?
• Cut-offs are perfectly fine for you! Just be careful, because you still run into the uneven lengths if you cut them yourself.
• Length is extremely important! Playtime shorts shouldn’t be long, the boyish look isn’t in, but you can also run into the problem of shorts being too short. We don’t want to see the cheeks coming out of the bottom of your shorts.
• Though stripes and pastels look horrid on guys, they actually look cute on girls. Just be careful you aren’t bringing too many colors to the palette.
• Cargo shorts aren’t a positive for da ladies. You have a purse, what’s the need for that many pockets?
• Make sure the shorts aren’t too tight. You don’t want to run into the problem of your extra baggage hanging over the top. A general rule of thumb: if you can fit two fingers comfortably in your shorts you’re fine. More than that is too baggy, less than that is too tight.

Today’s hairstyle:
 I’m a sucker for the shaggy look. BUT!!! There are ups and downs to any hairstyle.

• First, this hairstyle makes me happy because though the hair is long, it’s obviously well maintained. Clean hair is very important, nasty hair won’t get you any love. EVER.

• A solid color is a good choice, there is so much other going on with the look that highlights and tones would be too much, creating a negative effect.

• Though I personally love the look for playtime, it just isn’t professional for work. In a dignified setting, the style would be a hindrance.

• Also, with this look you have to be careful, the hair constantly in your face can be quite annoying.

Chickas: Today’s a long hair day. There isn’t much negativity I can call out on this hairstyle.

• The length is perfect. Today I see way too many beautiful girls chopping off their hair. Looking like a man isn’t attractive ladies. Be who you are, not who you aren’t. I’m not saying that a short hairstyle looks bad, but don’t go to the extremes.

• There is an explosion of color on the head, which I don’t usually recommend, because it’s nearly impossible to balance out, but for this particular look it works. The look could be equally gorgeous without all the color.

• Some of the hair looks like it may be extensions, and if it is, it still works. There is no shame in lengthening your hair for a while if you need to, just be sure to keep it clean. Nasty hair is nasty. Remember that.

• I love the way the hair flips, just sayin.

Character Critique:
There is a huge difference between confident and cocky. Cocky men just aren’t worth your time boys and girls. There is nothing wrong with being with a shy guy, sometimes it’s healthy for you to have to make the first move. So, it’s ok for YOU to be confident, you are special, you are beautiful, and you are someone to love. It’s not ok for HIM to be cocky, he isn’t the only one out there, he isn’t the one for you, and he probably isn’t that good anyway.

Show of the week:

 As some of you know, there seems to be a dearth of theatre in small towns. To try and introduce some art into your lives, I’ll post at least one show a week. This week my choice just happens to be a musical. WICKED details the life and times of the Wicked Witch of the West. Elphaba Thropp just happens to be born green, and water burns her skin. You learn through music and dialog that the Wicked Witch wasn’t so wicked after all. She lived a life like many of us, it had its ups and downs, but it was still a life. I encourage each one of you to look into Wicked, or just into theatre period.

Music of the week:
This week, I’m going Gaga for Gaga! Lady Gaga has a way of creating hits, and this week my absolute favorite song is Alejandro! Look it up!

/\/\ (-

So, I just found out yesterday that I won’t be able to take my Microsoft Office Specialist Certifications until September. It’s not that far away, but every day in this place is more than I care to spend. It’s not that the center is bad, I mean, the food could be better, but other than that it’s descent. What gets to me is the people. The Gadsden Job Corps Center Student Employees are the most disrespectful bunch of hoodlums I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet.

It isn’t everyone. I have made some friendships through this program that I know will last a lifetime, but as a basis, these kids need some serious discipline. I mean, we come here to learn a trade, the government is paying for us to come in and become better people and there aren’t many people here who take things seriously. It really gets on my nerves. Anyhoozles… I can’t take my Certs until September and then I’ll be taking my Grad Exams on September 20. That should be getting me out of this program before Halloween, I hope. With a job that pays well. I hope.

I’ve learned through the past that the only person who can change things is you. If you see something that needs to be changed, you have to be the one to fix it. So… I decided it’s time for this center to change. I’m running for student body President, which is actually a position of great power on this center. The elections are next week, and though I won’t admit it to my peers, I am extremely nervous.

One of my besties, my LadyL is assistant directing a play, Dark Matters, and I’ve never wanted to audition for something so bad in my life. If I had a place to stay back home and a job I would just quit everything right now and go to the audition tonight. I miss theatre so bad. I can’t explain it, I haven’t sang or acted in a couple of years now and the withdrawals are just as bad for me as they are for heroine addicts.

Other than that, I’m starting unit 3 of 7 in Microsoft Word today. Yesterday I finished the book Hero by Perry Moore, an openly gay writer. The book is absolutely phenomenal. I implore you, go read it. Straight and gay alike can appreciate the values and lessons taught in the book, not only about being yourself, but also about family and what life is all about. It will really give you a new perspective on things. I wrote seventeen more pages in the novel of my life. I’m not sure why I call it that, there’s nothing about me in the book at all. Perhaps I’ll post a chapter here one day… A sneak peak of sorts.

That’s it for now.

Always your faithful fairy,



  1. Love the shorts tips :) Although we're almost out of shorts weather and into MY FAVORITE FASHION SEASON- fall! Love, love, love! the guy hair but I think the layering on that chick's do is UNATTRACTIVE. I want to see Wicked, love me some Gaga. (I routinely participate in Gaga Therapy.) Also, I wish you would have been able to come and audition! It was terrible, terrible last night. Hopefully, you'll be here to do techie things for me! <3
